Golf Nets

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Vanta Sports Golf Net with Frame Corners

Price: $299.00




This is the ideal golf net for people looking to make the most out of practicing their shots. The heavy-duty netting has a separate baffle to stop the hardest hit balls. Can be used indoors or outdoors.
We offer the 1" diameter frame corners that are not available to you locally. By purchasing your poles locally you will save on shipping.

  • Ideal for both commercial and residential use.
  • Cage is constructed of dense UV treated black netting.
  • Baffle is constructed of heavy duty archery netting and is hung separately.
  • Golf Net Target featuring a high visibility target.

You can purchase your 10' lengths of EMT at Lowes, Home Depot, or other similar stores. If you can't pick them up, most stores will deliver for a small charge.

**You must buy 12 ea. 10' lengths of 1" EMT for the 10x10x10 Frame.

Lowes Sku #72715 - Home Depot Sku #580015